There is sooooo very much going on in the community;
regionally, nationally, globally; bear with me if I veer. I AM writing this
with a full intention on using my creative outlet to express myself on the
symbolization of our current civic atmosphere and environment.
It only takes a moment to peruse the days’ hot topics for
plain view sight to reveal the rift between black America amongst black Americans;
the discord between white America and their vehement cultural dissonance; the
contrast of bloodlines between descendants of slaves and the lineage of “founding
fathers”. Leaving me, a descendant of slaves, at a loss for the rhetoric of and
desire to “Make America great again”.
My question as a descendant of stolen people, is where were
my founding fathers when this Declaration and Constitution were conceptualized
and written?
I will wait for the answer.
While I wait, allow me to share thoughts to illustrate a
potential symbology to the rhetoric of making america great agin and Generational Institutionalized Systemic Marginalization (GISM) of the black demographic in America.
The line of thinking I would like to engage; is
relatively simple. During the time the “founding fathers” of America conceptualized,
envisioned, carried out to pursue, negotiated upon, agreed upon, wrote, sealed
and enacted the instruments of “freedom”(very loosely interpreted); the
HUMANS/PEOPLE I originate; were in full slave submission.
The bloodline I originate from was not and statistically,
still is not an accepted textile in the fabric or tapestry that is readily identified when one speaks of "great america". The truth, for my hue, is typically the opposite. Be the reference be #OsarsSoWhite #SandranBland #MikeBrown---too many and too much to recount. These blatant statements about the value of a/all black lives bear the question. What America AM I taking part?
I will not tell the story---mine pale in comparison and an aspect of my writing is to induce the state that causes black people (melanated people) to share their own vulnerabilities as relates to race. I do, acknowledge that I have had to face my own traumatization about the skin I live in. It is the premise of my work and passion to make this trauma, pain and triumph globally understood.
I will not tell the story---mine pale in comparison and an aspect of my writing is to induce the state that causes black people (melanated people) to share their own vulnerabilities as relates to race. I do, acknowledge that I have had to face my own traumatization about the skin I live in. It is the premise of my work and passion to make this trauma, pain and triumph globally understood.
I begged your patience in the beginning, I share that
because I know I veered a bit; back to symbology. If “founding fathers’ did not
require our input then---why would they need it now? How far will we as a
DEMOGRAPHIC allow the disregard to go before we realize where true POWER lies?
There is an inherent system;rearing its' unwarranted and unacceptable head. My offering, short of BLACK PEOPLE coming to grips with a number
of agenda items---and one another-the ability for a Force/system/government/ENERGY to enchant us
will forever be prevalent.
While I would love to be petty and give my two cents in
judgement on the various stories; I close with and offer #TaylorFamFeelosophy's 10 Point Redemption Plan.
Universal Melanated
Line Items (for review & consensus)
10 Point Redemption Plan
- Agree that Melanated peoples have been and are systematically oppressed globally
- Agree there is a “dominant culture” maintaining this order
- Agree to objectively receive new information
- Agree to research anything you do not understand
- Agree to ask and receive help, encouragement, support and love on this journey
- Agree that single agenda movement(monogamous movement) is not only vital; but required
- Agree to maximize organization
- Agree to maximize mobilization
- Agree to maximize resources
- Agree to commence “Take Your POWER back”
Please discuss, engage, support and share. More to come.
Way to go TaylorFam... great spirit. Powerful woman.