Using “Some Moral
Minima” (Len E. Goodman/2010) as a reference; my intention with this paper is
to peer into my own psyche and show perspective that universal moral conduct is
a vital component in maintaining societal peace and prosperity. Mr. Goodman outlines
a minima of global issues including but not excluded to; polygamy, human
trafficking, genital mutilation and military child recruitment. Being asked to
assume a position on the acts in relation to culture or society and choose
whether the act is wrong or right. I would be remiss if I did not emphatically
state that these acts should be considered reprehensible, wrong.
I am delighted to have
the opportunity to take a written position on right and wrong, I personally
live by a four word foundation for my life and I practice using the words as an
active conduit between myself and humane treatment of all I come into contact
with. I know that what I share may not be academic in its’ content, it is
however equally as pertinent in the notion of right and wrong.
My four word foundation for life is” Willingness,
Accountability, Sacrifice and
Negotiation”, Consider it my spiritual black card if you will;
- Willingness- An individual ability to proactively seek out purpose in any and all interactions----the action of being 100% present wherever I AM.
- Accountability-My individual ability to maturely account for my actions ---100% truth.
- Sacrifice-I AM always willing to discuss the terms of an agreement. I AM willing to compromise in the name of what is best for the whole.
- Negotiation-I AM always willing to work through objectives to meet the needs of the whole. (7 Steps to Kill My nigga; Bahtyah B. Israel-2011)
Let us; for the sake premise define “politics”.
Politics as defined by Mirriam Webster online (
is a set of definitions; listed are those most relevant to the position I am
taking. “Politics- : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing
governmental policy
the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government
2: political actions,
practices, or policies 3
a :
political affairs or business; especially : competition between competing interest groups or individuals for
power and leadership (as in a government) b : political life especially as a principal activity or profession c : political activities
characterized by artful and often dishonest practices 4: the political opinions or sympathies of a person 5a : the total complex of
relations between people living in society.” Politics, by definition, is
ambiguous at best. There is an innate concept of trickery involved in politics
because politics is relevant to the politician and individual agenda, needs
and/or wants. As a byline of the definition it would seem plausible that
“sympathies” could be feigned and false alliances created that have a relative
hand in the day to day activities of civilians. Politicization of the issue
creates never ending banter between politicians, and politics easily usurps
human need. If we continue to fail to look at actions from a paradigm of right
and wrong, we, as a society will continue to fail at humanity.
One must beg the question who really benefits
from the mass destruction, violent and terroristic descent upon nations and
human trafficking----we have to ask is
there an omnipotent power system that holds these ties together? Has there ever been a society that lived via
application of ideologies of right and wrong?
How do you really feel about the politics and politicization of human
need? I find this line of inquiry to be
base for bridge building from the political practice we currently exist; into a
flourishing humane commune of health, wealth and prosperity.
In closing, just for the sake of
reference and history; I would like to identify an ancient civilization whose lifestyle
utilized right and wrong as a conduit for qualitative and quantative life. I
cite the Ancient Egyptians and the practiced doctrine of the time; Ma’at. “Ma’at
is a comprehensive construct that existed throughout ancient Egyptian
civilization. Cosmologically, maat is the principle of order that informs the
creation of the universe. Religiously, Ma'at is a goddess or neter representing
order or balance. Last, philosophically, Ma;at is a moral and ethical principle
that all Egyptians were expected to embody in their daily actions toward
family, community, nation, environment, and god. This work extends maat beyond
the boundaries of ancient Egyptian culture and tests its conceptual elasticity
by developing it into an catalytic tool for studying classical African
cosmological knowledge and how it relates to cultural expression. It focuses on
the conceptualization of Ma'at as the foundation of the universe and then uses the
manner in which Ma'at appears in ancient Egyptian culture as a basis for
distinguishing patterns within classical African knowledge. This pattern
contains 10 characteristics or dimensions: sacred, symbolic, visual,
functional, moral, oral, communal, rhythmic, multidimensional, and holistic.”( Ma'at
and Order in African Cosmology A Conceptual Tool for Understanding Indigenous
Knowledge Denise Martin-Journal of Black Studies-2008)
The information shared in this paper is my personal
position. I have interpreted, hypothesized, and now I shall conclude. In my
humble opinion and based on the information I have presented in this paper; I
am confident that there are certain behaviors, acts and motives that are wrong.
I cannot come up with a rational argument for that. Now, should the question
transform itself to is there a right in a wrong situation? That is a different
paper. In my conclusion I will apply my best self to always securely discern
right from wrong and veer myself towards a community that works toward the healing
of a hurt people to recreate environments to reflect the true beauty that
resides within each human being.
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