Me, Talking RaceTics; tell me if I AM worth a listen. #yoSonMysonOurSons
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
PoliTalk 2015/Monica Crowley
As I watched Monica Crowley sharing her op-ed on Obama,
Clinton and the scandal that prevails; I felt the need to work towards a
conversation. There are many points in which I would like to analyze---so bear
with me as I make these suggestions and allusions.
Following in the same vein of opinion as the author; Monica
Crowley, I am responding to “Why Obama is Torpedoing Hillary Clinton”.
I would first like to point out that the headline itself is indicative
of a dark and sinister plan for the POTUS to be personally infringing upon the
free reign of Mrs. Clinton’s campaigning efforts. If this is true then the
by-product of oligarchs and political cohorts defining and “making” the status
of men and women; is also true. Indicating the strong fact that we do not have
a democracy at all.
I listened to Ms. Crowley as she touted such assertions as “he
needs a successor he can control” and saying the “…investigation would not move
forward unless he wanted it(investigation) too…”
Again, I say wrapped up in these words are all powerful actions
and/or exemptions from men---there is a strong lean toward there being little
to no value in the investigation of possible crime and/or misconduct performed
by Mrs. Clinton. Ms. Crowley; when asked “does he(Obama) have the power to slow
down the FBI investigation” Ms. Crowley responded with a resounding “of course
he is the President of the United States”.
When further queried on her thoughts about the Presidents’
hand in high profile political investigations and allegations---she stated “yeah,
listen, technically, no; the FBI is supposed
to be independent. But we know how this man has operated from the beginning.”
She goes on to say that the only way the “daily leaks” are making press is that
POTUS himself is encouraging and proliferating the practice of “torpedoing
Hillary Clinton”.
The importance of this statement to Jane & Joe 6pack is
that Ms. Crowley failed to think before she spoke. The outcome of her commentary
ultimately insinuates the democratic process can and is usurped by men in
positions of power. She fuels the thought that there are those who are above
the law and by dictation of status alone should not be bothered by such mundane
things as the law.
I encourage Ms. Crowley to look past her very close circle of
influence and recognize there are those of us---without pedigree or pretense;
who can interpret information minus the Manhattan minutia that many pundits
have to pace in precision reporting. I offer her my thoughts as a civilian,
voter, parent, progressive and WOMAN. YOU Ms. CrOwLEY are full of it. You have
failed to report a full story; inclusive of a lack of response to the Trump
intro---where he states that what “Petraeus did was a small fraction” in
comparison to what Hillary Clinton has done. You have failed to make any citing
or reference to any similar case-Petraeus or Sterling. You have also made it
clear, that in your thinking; sitting Presidents’ have the strength to “control”
tickets run shadow administrations.
My purpose in sharing my thoughts with you are to:
Give you hard copy evidence that the story of
Clinton, Emails and the criminal element can be interpreted by the least of us
and it would warrant answers; yet to be answered.
Ask of you to make a broad thought application a
possibility in your reporting----if you look at all the facts, parallel references
and take a real general poll---you will find something very different than that
“Manhattan Minutia” "Sex and the City" flurries you and your phonies are so accustomed to dealing with.
(yep ended w/a prep)
what you currently do I find to be garbage—and the world really needs people to
commit to truly working a craft and bringing dignity to professions, citing
journalism as a crux of societal conjecture. Spinning bullshit and lies will
not help this election or the people.
In closing, as I watched your interview; I almost felt sick
as I wondered if the masses would be able to grasp what it really was that you
were saying. I hope this offering incites you to have a bit more truth and a
lot less autonomy.
Friday, July 31, 2015
The Arrogance of America/Y Trump is in the Lead
The arrogance of America is, unnerving, to say the
least. To jump right into the story; I AM currently a resident of the District
of Columbia and I make my way to the museums and galleries as much as I can. On
an outing one day, I decided to take my then three year old twin daughters to
the “National Museum of The American Indian” I CRINGE TO WRITE THE WORDS----can
you see why? Quite possibly not; this is the purpose of this paper---but I
digress. This was my first visit to this particular museum; I have visited the
Smithsonian, The Air and Space Museum amongst others; this is relevant. I
validate my relationship(s) to museum to say that I felt familiar and
comfortable in museum environments. Upon walking into this building---I could
almost hear the spirits say “you believe this shit”----The powers that be could
not even allow my ancestors the word Native.
I felt atrocity, death, regret, war; a level of
massacre I could not describe in words any one persons’ ear should hear. I felt
the anguish of a people who had to come to the stark revelation of beasts and
plunderers in their midst. I felt a supreme sense of disrespect, blatant
disregard and murderous intent. I felt like it could all happen too soon all
over again. As I walked through the first exhibit---I remember it was a kayak
exhibit, showing kayaks from the days of the Natives through modern day. I
thought what a resource this must have been for them and I went into thinking
about how this one resource more than likely changed their complete concept of how
things were or could be done. With the ability to now be mobile traversing
waters and having the ability to move goods and/or services allowed them to
maximize their opportunity.
I cite this, because this is what the power
structure of America is really known for. When government, patriots and others
speak to the “GREATNESS” of America---they never discuss the tortuous bullshit
America is guilty of committing. I AM #Exhaustedfrombeingwhileblack and I have
to take my time to express my extreme disdain with the Illusion that is the
American dream or the western ideal.
A conversation, exposing, engaging and empowering
individuals to understand the system in which they revere; is the same system
that initiated, nurtured and maintains oppression, caste systems and consumer
status quo.
If anyone can tell me why we continue to visit and
support these monoliths of colonialism and debauchery; I would greatly
appreciate it. I AM hurt to my inner being about the current socioeconomic
status of the culture I so readily identify. Black men are being mutilated by
the media, black women are being murdered at an alarming rate and the detriment
caused by systematic socialism continues.
In the spirit of the forefathers of Tyranny and Exploitation. I will say I AM at
the point of Freedom or death. I also cite the extreme of having to jump
straight to deaths gate as a result of requiring #MyReconciliation. TELL THE
TRUTH #TRUTH2POWER #MelanatedMajority
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Confident that I AM worthless as a mother; I sat on the side of my bed and cried. I come to the same monthly decisions; who gets paid? What Am I able to afford for the house and how am I going to move around with nothing left over. I phone a friend to lift my blues. I begin to cry again; then I am angry at myself for crying. I am angry that I AM angry, AGAIN; I AM ANGRY. I do not want to be, I want to be positive. But I am finding it challenging to find the positives. Between my personal challenges, my sensitivity and my broad scope of civic society; i find little or no solace in my world.
In my anger I reached out to a friend, a friend who knows me and offers me a vision of myself to help me thru my hardtimes. Before we get to that remembrance, we go thru me venting. Which sounds like; " I do not know how to be a professional, a parent and a social butterfly at the same time. Those are three very different gears for me. So I tell her; "I know women have been doing this for as long as women have had babies, but I am not adjusting well to being a single parent." I also tell her, "it was different with my son; but with my twins it is just different and for every black bitch that said "I don't need a man; Imma strong black woman"; I could line them up one by one and slap the pure DEE shit out of them. I have never wanted a "Man" so bad in my life. I will explain "Man" a little later. Right now, my focus is these children I have created and my adjustment or lack thereof to parenting them on my own.
After the grief and tears; she always asks "so what now Maka?". I normally have answers and many which address various issues. But, for me and my single parenting dilemma, I have none. I share with her that it is a constant mindphuck of I AM doing the best I can, but I should not have to do this on my own. I go on to say that the worst part of it is the reality that my babies were created by a man whose greatest desire is to hurt me. This means the children lose lose because if my state of being is negatively affected; so is theirs. I try to explain this to their father; to no avail.
Their father is an older man who I thought was "safe", I was extremely vulnerable at that time. My error; life had been really hard and I thought I could love this man and create a good life for me and my son---my daughters were not born. I share this because I frequently find myself angry at myself for being in this position. I love my daughters; I just never saw myself raising my child(ren) alone, this is my achilles heel. I cannot seem to get over the fact that the decisions I made, in a very vulnerable state, caused me to be "left" doing this enormous job all by myself. I call bullshit.
So, how do they win; because I submit---I submit to parenting without all of the answers. I submit to my dark side; which creeps up in the weirdest ways at times; I submit to the love of Creation that consistently reminds me that it will not forsake me. I submit to the fact that if I can make myself show up-----I allow Creation the opportunity to show out for me. I submit to the fact that "My Life" is a journey and not a destination. I envision that my good days will outweigh my bad ones.
In closing, TWINS WIN, I QUIT; trying to hide behind the veil of image and begin to live in the space of continuous source, granting me ReSource and abundance.
In my anger I reached out to a friend, a friend who knows me and offers me a vision of myself to help me thru my hardtimes. Before we get to that remembrance, we go thru me venting. Which sounds like; " I do not know how to be a professional, a parent and a social butterfly at the same time. Those are three very different gears for me. So I tell her; "I know women have been doing this for as long as women have had babies, but I am not adjusting well to being a single parent." I also tell her, "it was different with my son; but with my twins it is just different and for every black bitch that said "I don't need a man; Imma strong black woman"; I could line them up one by one and slap the pure DEE shit out of them. I have never wanted a "Man" so bad in my life. I will explain "Man" a little later. Right now, my focus is these children I have created and my adjustment or lack thereof to parenting them on my own.
After the grief and tears; she always asks "so what now Maka?". I normally have answers and many which address various issues. But, for me and my single parenting dilemma, I have none. I share with her that it is a constant mindphuck of I AM doing the best I can, but I should not have to do this on my own. I go on to say that the worst part of it is the reality that my babies were created by a man whose greatest desire is to hurt me. This means the children lose lose because if my state of being is negatively affected; so is theirs. I try to explain this to their father; to no avail.
Their father is an older man who I thought was "safe", I was extremely vulnerable at that time. My error; life had been really hard and I thought I could love this man and create a good life for me and my son---my daughters were not born. I share this because I frequently find myself angry at myself for being in this position. I love my daughters; I just never saw myself raising my child(ren) alone, this is my achilles heel. I cannot seem to get over the fact that the decisions I made, in a very vulnerable state, caused me to be "left" doing this enormous job all by myself. I call bullshit.
So, how do they win; because I submit---I submit to parenting without all of the answers. I submit to my dark side; which creeps up in the weirdest ways at times; I submit to the love of Creation that consistently reminds me that it will not forsake me. I submit to the fact that if I can make myself show up-----I allow Creation the opportunity to show out for me. I submit to the fact that "My Life" is a journey and not a destination. I envision that my good days will outweigh my bad ones.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Rejoice: A Review of
“The Welcome Table” by Alice Walker
Maka K. Taylor
Ashford University
Prairie Markussen
ENG125/Intro to
February 14, 2013
Using Ashford University’s Discovery
Series textbook, Journey into Literature (R. Wayne Clugston-2010); I have read
and reviewed a short story by Pulitzer prize winning activist and author; Alice
Keywords: suffer, welcome table, activist,Alice Walker, #BlackLivesMatter, #ToHellw/Dying #redemption
short story I will review in this paper is “The Welcome Table” written by
Pulitzer Prize winning novelist and peace activist; Alice Walker. The theme of
the story is triumph despite tribulation. In the preface of the story Walker
says I’m going to tell him how you treated me. The statement is insinuative of comeuppance
and successful retreat. The story tells of an “old woman” who enters somewhere
she does not belong. The story depicted “the old woman” as “dusty” and unkempt;
from the reading I deduce that she entered a church where the “good” people
decided she did not belong amongst them. The church people took action;
ultimately throwing the woman out of the church. Upon her removal she sees
“Jesus” and they begin walking together and she receives her place at the table
to tell him of how they treated her. The theme of the text illustrates the
disregard of the human self by humans. In further review I sense allegory in
this story; I think the old lady is symbolic of lowest rung on the human
hierarchy and the good church people represent the cream of the crop of
society. The reaction of the good church people to the old woman is reticent of
the invisible—all noticing eye of upper crust society. Ultimately the story
represents the paradox of the human dynamic, its’ incumbent response to that
which it deems unfit, and the text, as a by- product; hints to the scripture “the
meek will inherit the earth”.
enjoyed reading this story, in the story it is stated that the old lady looked,
to know suffering. I think this text is key in setting the tone for the story.
In a word I was transmuted into the story; the physicality of her character,
illustrated “suffering” and I was at that church door with her. I have been
acquainted with suffering; this is the tone of the story; in my humble
assertion. I felt the anticipation of opening the door of the church; her
entrance and procession to the pew. I
was thrown out of the church with her and my eyes lit up at the reading of” I
would know him anywhere”. Through the tone of the story I found myself
empathizing with the old woman and celebrating her opportunity to “tell God how you treat me”. I reveled in
her right to exercise herself and walk with her power to conclude her days.
would also like to expound on the paradox conveyed via the omniscient voice the
story was delivered. The setting of this story was a church. As previously
referenced the church members aggressively remove this feeble and elderly
woman-----whom the pastor addressed as “Auntie” upon reminding her that this
was not the church she belonged to. I recount the church peoples’ reception of
the elder woman…”Some of them there at the church saw the age,
the dotage, the missing buttons down the front of her mildewed black dress.
Others saw cooks, chauffeurs, maids, mistresses, children denied or smothered
in the deferential way she held her cheek to the side, toward the ground. Many
of them saw jungle orgies in an evil place, while others were reminded of
riotous anarchists looting and raping in the streets. Those who knew the
hesitant creeping up on them of the law, saw the beginning of the end of the
sanctuary of Christian worship, saw the desecration of Holy Church, and saw an
invasion of privacy, which they struggled to believe they still kept.”
a house of worship, the house of God; the exact people(souls) who are supposed
to assist and be kind----ultimately fail when the opportunity presents
itself. This woman was not good enough
to worship with the good Christian folk----she was such an aberration that she
was required to be immediately and violently removed from the church.
church should; in theory; be a place of resource for the less fortunate. The
church should offer love and salvation to those in need; but; allegorically;
the story is relating to irony in doctrine, life application and visible
have stated throughout the paper that I was really taken into this story. I
will also reiterate that I am bias for the motif of this story. Although the
triumph is subjective in nature, again, I am biased; the fact that she gets her
moment to tell the biggest protector of them all how they “treated” her; I find
solace in that thought.
is the beauty of the art of the pen; I am very passionate about words and the
various combinations and conclusions that can be created from them. The
narrative elements I spoke about in this story; in this paper, are text
tangible mechanisms that cause a story to come to life. The purpose of
literature; of taking the time to delve into a story is to connect; in some
manner to the story. I seek to find various aspects of self in searching
through the libraries of life; the library is far to vast to absorb in a single
lifetime----so we are blessed to have the writings of the ages and the “creative’s”
find modern myriad media to share one side of a two headed coin. The narrative
elements evoke the human emotion epitomal to espousing the story intrinsically
and initially.
would also be remiss if I did not use the word rejoice in review of this story.
It seems there were varied accounts of her whereabouts; but the voice
said---“she would know him anywhere”. Be it literal, metaphoric or delusional;
the fact that this woman found her reprieve after what seemed to have been a
life of constant suffering; is food for my soul. -----“The Welcome Table—Alice
Journey into Literature-R. Wayne Clugston/2010
The Welcome Table-Alice Walker
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
MORAL MINIMA; Ethics in a Society Lost
Using “Some Moral
Minima” (Len E. Goodman/2010) as a reference; my intention with this paper is
to peer into my own psyche and show perspective that universal moral conduct is
a vital component in maintaining societal peace and prosperity. Mr. Goodman outlines
a minima of global issues including but not excluded to; polygamy, human
trafficking, genital mutilation and military child recruitment. Being asked to
assume a position on the acts in relation to culture or society and choose
whether the act is wrong or right. I would be remiss if I did not emphatically
state that these acts should be considered reprehensible, wrong.
I am delighted to have
the opportunity to take a written position on right and wrong, I personally
live by a four word foundation for my life and I practice using the words as an
active conduit between myself and humane treatment of all I come into contact
with. I know that what I share may not be academic in its’ content, it is
however equally as pertinent in the notion of right and wrong.
My four word foundation for life is” Willingness,
Accountability, Sacrifice and
Negotiation”, Consider it my spiritual black card if you will;
- Willingness- An individual ability to proactively seek out purpose in any and all interactions----the action of being 100% present wherever I AM.
- Accountability-My individual ability to maturely account for my actions ---100% truth.
- Sacrifice-I AM always willing to discuss the terms of an agreement. I AM willing to compromise in the name of what is best for the whole.
- Negotiation-I AM always willing to work through objectives to meet the needs of the whole. (7 Steps to Kill My nigga; Bahtyah B. Israel-2011)
Let us; for the sake premise define “politics”.
Politics as defined by Mirriam Webster online (
is a set of definitions; listed are those most relevant to the position I am
taking. “Politics- : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing
governmental policy
the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government
2: political actions,
practices, or policies 3
a :
political affairs or business; especially : competition between competing interest groups or individuals for
power and leadership (as in a government) b : political life especially as a principal activity or profession c : political activities
characterized by artful and often dishonest practices 4: the political opinions or sympathies of a person 5a : the total complex of
relations between people living in society.” Politics, by definition, is
ambiguous at best. There is an innate concept of trickery involved in politics
because politics is relevant to the politician and individual agenda, needs
and/or wants. As a byline of the definition it would seem plausible that
“sympathies” could be feigned and false alliances created that have a relative
hand in the day to day activities of civilians. Politicization of the issue
creates never ending banter between politicians, and politics easily usurps
human need. If we continue to fail to look at actions from a paradigm of right
and wrong, we, as a society will continue to fail at humanity.
One must beg the question who really benefits
from the mass destruction, violent and terroristic descent upon nations and
human trafficking----we have to ask is
there an omnipotent power system that holds these ties together? Has there ever been a society that lived via
application of ideologies of right and wrong?
How do you really feel about the politics and politicization of human
need? I find this line of inquiry to be
base for bridge building from the political practice we currently exist; into a
flourishing humane commune of health, wealth and prosperity.
In closing, just for the sake of
reference and history; I would like to identify an ancient civilization whose lifestyle
utilized right and wrong as a conduit for qualitative and quantative life. I
cite the Ancient Egyptians and the practiced doctrine of the time; Ma’at. “Ma’at
is a comprehensive construct that existed throughout ancient Egyptian
civilization. Cosmologically, maat is the principle of order that informs the
creation of the universe. Religiously, Ma'at is a goddess or neter representing
order or balance. Last, philosophically, Ma;at is a moral and ethical principle
that all Egyptians were expected to embody in their daily actions toward
family, community, nation, environment, and god. This work extends maat beyond
the boundaries of ancient Egyptian culture and tests its conceptual elasticity
by developing it into an catalytic tool for studying classical African
cosmological knowledge and how it relates to cultural expression. It focuses on
the conceptualization of Ma'at as the foundation of the universe and then uses the
manner in which Ma'at appears in ancient Egyptian culture as a basis for
distinguishing patterns within classical African knowledge. This pattern
contains 10 characteristics or dimensions: sacred, symbolic, visual,
functional, moral, oral, communal, rhythmic, multidimensional, and holistic.”( Ma'at
and Order in African Cosmology A Conceptual Tool for Understanding Indigenous
Knowledge Denise Martin-Journal of Black Studies-2008)
The information shared in this paper is my personal
position. I have interpreted, hypothesized, and now I shall conclude. In my
humble opinion and based on the information I have presented in this paper; I
am confident that there are certain behaviors, acts and motives that are wrong.
I cannot come up with a rational argument for that. Now, should the question
transform itself to is there a right in a wrong situation? That is a different
paper. In my conclusion I will apply my best self to always securely discern
right from wrong and veer myself towards a community that works toward the healing
of a hurt people to recreate environments to reflect the true beauty that
resides within each human being.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
So I love this---but......----I just want to
play devil's advocate. Entertain me if you will. The situation-----a struggling
single mother is wonderful in her duties as a teacher, nurturer and nation builder
for her children. She is not an earner. She exists on a low-income lifestyle, although
she would love to “live”. The struggling mother would like to use her talents
to further the socioeconomic status of her people. A DYNASTY is what she sees
in her mind. But broken screens throughout the orifices of her home disrupt her
Her work as a mother overwhelms and exhausts
her frequently; another dynamic she is dealing with is generational abuse
issues manifesting in the relationship of her and her childrens' father. She
asks herself if she should give the children to someone who could raise them
financially better than she could; because in that moment she has no hope for
herself caring for them. Should she, in search of her own truest happiness;
give up the children.
So then, it would seem the question is does she
want the children. The answer is yes, but the society she lives in is so
twisted, her energy becomes exerted by the mundane and daily, general, mental
and physical exertions required. What I mean is, “It” has been set up for so
long and ----I digress.
What is “It” you may be asking. “It” is the Generational Institutional Systemic Marginalization (GISM) of people of color. As an
individual who was born into the same system that claims my citizenship from
stealing my ancestors (people), and my true forefathers from their land; I
detest the false platitudes of the elite, I detest the colloquial “white
elephant in the room” that is racism; or more pertinently, the dehumanization
of people of color. The magnitude of shame, dysfunction, criminalization,
sexualization, marginalization, institutionalization, exploitation,
degradation, pacification, and de-moralization of people of color is; and I use
this word with pursed lips; “disproportionate” in light of our cultural
Paradoxically, I chose the “red pill”, this has
proven to come with its’ own consequences. What I can suggest to you as a
result of my experience is that I have humbled myself to the fact that I do not
know what I do not know until I learn I did not know “It”, pun intended. My
journey down the proverbial “Rabbit Hole”; has been a journey and is best
described, by what I have coined as “my process of processing my process”---in
that, I find hope. I digressed earlier in the writing to illustrate “It” and a
foundation for future reference to “It”. Using this as a foundation for this
writing, I continue.
The train of thought I will follow in
responding to the scenario of the hopeless, not so young, single mother; giving
up her children to follow her individual happiness. I am taking the liberty to
think that she, although weak in this moment will be able to find her strength.
For shits and kicks----let’s travel the other road.
She decides in that moment based on her
hopelessness that she is going to ask a friend; a friend she had previously
conversed with on the subject to keep her children. The conditions discussed for
this arrangement are that parental rights are turned over and terminated.
Now the friend is a very stable individual,
tenured in the US Military, nice home and loving family. I find the need to
mention, the single mother has no family and though she has many acquaintances;
she has not been able to tap into the energy that would create a safety
net/support system. Feeling dismal and hopeless, looking at the effect(s) of
her affect, she asks her children; “if I could find you a new mommy, who could
buy you everything a little child could have, would you want to trade me in?”
The children emphatically reply “no” and although this response should make her
feel really good. “It” only sends her spiraling further down the staircase of
unworthiness and despair. She has been convinced that she is not good enough
and her children deserve better than her. She feels that although she can fully
equip them with the spirit of life, sustainable life-----because she had not
earned the finances to seamlessly rear her children; that is the amount of her
value. The single mother in this space of her life feels as though she cannot
sufficiently apply herself to her work as a single mom. The space she is in,
her choice to take the “Red Pill”, her ever looming responsibilities, her lack
of per diem and other factors make it very easy for the single mother to deny
herself opportunities. If you could bear with me, I must take a moment to
further illustrate the “It” factor.
The single mother, in her current life category
feels stuck. In this space, the “It” factor and the pursuant GISM has affected
her in such a way; the weight of having the full and dedicated responsibility
of raising her children, is more than she can mentally endure. Her greatest
desire is to build Nations in and through her children and to manifest the
vision of a Divine family. In her current space she has run out of gas for hope
and feels as though her earnings, life trajectory; or lack thereof; and track
record are less than acceptable for her beautiful children. She continues to
question her application of parenting simply because there is, all too
frequently more month than money. No matter what is sacrificed. Now, let me
address the impetus of this writing.
While watching the interview with Lisa Nichols
on Steve Harvey, I found myself in conflict. Let me state, I use various
methodologies for healing the soul, and Lisa Nichols is definitely in my
armory, I work diligently at becoming more connected to my purpose and
manifestation of my purpose. There are some key points I would like to relay to
the aforementioned scenario.Lisa Nichols is a wonderful motivational
speaker and I really appreciate the work she does. I will with hold comment on
Steve Harvey. Lisa Nichols was speaking on turning her life around and states her
transformation and “My biggest accomplishment is being willing to give myself 1000
second chances and every time I got to 999 I pressed reset…I didn’t ask
permission I gave notice…unapologetically … not in a
bragadocious way…I only got one life and I’m a ride this one till the wheels
fall off, and then all the other stuff came (wow/Steve Harvey) as a result of a decision I made (right,
but it was a decision you /Steve Harvey)…but
it was a decision and it didn’t come from a motivational
experience, it didn’t come from an inspiring teacher, it
came from hitting rock bottom…(okay, okay let’s talk about this…I
have been there, and I just wanted to hear how you had turned it
around/ Steve Harvey…) She then begins to share the details of her
story, but most interesting to me is the statement; “…I was broke and I was
broken…mommy will never be this broke again…I was bankrupt…”
Now let me state for the record her
illustration truly resonated with me; she goes on to say, “…I wasn’t doing
anything with my gift…I was tired of having potential, I wanted my now…I have to
be willing to drastically transform myself so that I can become the woman that
I know I can be…I was radical…”
Steve interjects and asks “what did you do to
change your life?” She begins her
response by saying “First, I realized I couldn’t grow with people who were
struggling like me… I don’t want to stay with yall (jokingly)…it
doesn’t make me any less committed to my community, any less committed to my
culture, committed to my family; the best thing I can do is not stay here
with you…When I got that I went to places I had never seen before… I went to
the same conference 42 times…I am my rescue no one else is my rescue, I am my
rescue…”Further in the conversation Steve Harvey states
his father told him “…the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one
of them…I got to do something if I want to go back to effectively change some
people’s lives”. Lisa further in the
conversation asks; in reference to the lengths one must go to transform; “are
you willing to do something you have never done before?...”
I have transcribed this interaction because I
find the dynamic to be most pertinent in reference to the above scenario.Based on the ideology that one has to be
willing to be authentic with the space they occupy. I am taking a liberty to
surmise, the mother’s situation; in her own mind; is so bleak that she cannot
even fathom having childcare, transportation, petty cash or even proper
presentation of herself to attend any place 42 times; except the grocery store.
That is her space, which then leaves her with the options of enduring and getting
comfortable with the struggle or moving through her convictions, to get happy
despite the gravity and potential permanent effects of her decision.
The fact that a well bodied, skillful
individual only has these two choices as options, is key and
parcel to “It” on all accounts. The fact she feels this way, the fact the
friend is only willing to help her if she relinquishes custody (control), the
fact the children’s father is not present and counted for in the comprehensive position
of father, raising their children; the outcomes are related to GISM. All have
experienced as a result of white supremacy and the generational deficit in
socioeconomic growth and personal development of people of color. The consistent
and benign erosion of innateness, known as soul, is washed away for simply “being
while black”. Feeling devalued, labeled low income and impoverished on paper;
for over a decade; made her feel that way.
I share this to juxtapose an ideal----there is
an African proverb that says I AM because you are. The thinking that resonates
in this interview, for me is “radical individualism”---it is a very coded
language and one has to know how to decipher.The thought of one bringing themselves up from
the bootstraps, being the backbone of America is pure fuckery. America is built
on the backs of black people’s free labor and we labored in corporations that
still profit from our individual lineage labor today. The corporations also
exert an extra helping of fuck you and white supremacy by double dipping as we
continue to labor and support these corporations our individual lineages built.
How, then, is the come back for the come up, specifically for people of color,
to pull yourself up? The current
power structure and its’ talking heads request of us that which they did not
even do. They also had the open opportunity to intermingle, collaborate and
plan. Every black power group, individual or entity that gained or gains a
foothold in uniting people of color have been systematically destroyed and
murdered. A precedent and prime fact that speaks for itself.
I also offer; I comprehend the thinking---I
choose to push in a different direction and apply a different modality. I find
it abhorrent for spokespersons of color to continue to speak to the symptom and
not the historic diagnosis or collective prognosis, as relates to them
personally or the base they serve. I
congratulate both of them in their success and efforts. I am working to relay
the significance of this conversation in relation to Steve Harvey’s previous
statement, he doesn’t care about slavery for the quote from Steve’s guest Lisa
Nichols, renowned motivational speaker, woman of color, single mother; and an
unwilling victim of “It” and ISM, to state in collusion; knowingly or
unknowingly; to “…it doesn’t make me any less committed to my community, any less
committed to my culture, committed to my family; the best thing I can do is not
stay here with you…When I got that I went to places I had never seen before…” and for Steve to say his father’s “…famous
words were, the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them…”
diminishes the severity of why his father, with his third grade education
instilled such a value in him in the first place. I grant it seems as though
they both work to live fulfilled lives and do good philanthropic works.
However, the labeling and subjugation of black
people coupled with “radical individualism” is the perfect recipe for niggers
and nigger behavior. Which, could, ultimately have an anti trajectory effect on
individuals working to apply this practice through their own understanding. A
current popular phrase is, “I gotta do what I gotta do”. That mentality
perpetuates all types of behavior, my humble assessment. What I heard conveyed through
this interview, is the foundation for one to:1. “do what thou wilt”
2. know that death is
3. Know that to “drastically” changing oneself, you have to be
willing to do what the other guy wasn’t.
Especially, if you seek to make the echelon of the American elite and black (African American) icon. There is a common language that exists in the content of every interview, every teLIEvision program, every advertisement we are vehemently bombarded with daily. Listen to the elite in their interviews you will consistently hear; I transformed, I embody, I summon, something took over me etc.,. The language; when placed under this light---comes under suspicion for me. Lisa and Steve had this exchange, “LISA:…I only got one life and I’m a ride this one till the wheels fall off… and then all the other stuff came (wow/Steve Harvey) as a result of a decision I made” (right, but it was a decision you /Steve Harvey) “…but it was a decision and it didn’t come from a motivational experience, it didn’t come from an inspiring teacher, it came from hitting rock bottom…” (okay, okay let’s talk about this…I have been there,” Steve Harvey) Steve Harvey’s admission of “I have been there” is an identification of the path to this place in which they currently hang their hats. The fact that, I AM paraphrasing, but, that one must lose all any premonition and A-line from where you are to where you want to be, speaks to the connectivity of self or, ensuing lack thereof in doing what one has to do. I would also like to note, I never heard her say I reached out and asked for…
My point is the concept of “radical individualism” is a concept that ultimately further removes any accountability for the generational atrocities and GISM experienced by people of color both nationally and internationally at the hands of the progenitors and progenies of American government. It allows the haves of the black power elite to limit what they feel they should give/do because; they did it so why can’t you. It teaches that as opposed to having an expectation of someone else caring about you and nursing you through a situation; your only expectation in life is to struggle or fuck everything, literally or metaphorically to get money. This is a very insidious protocol that warps the mind of people of color into believing the illusion of disparity is real and it is your own fault that you lack; whatever the lack is. It would ultimately be the justification for the mother we spoke of earlier to terminate custody and find her “now”.
premise is until you get happy you cannot do anything for anyone else. Which, I
wholly agree with, however, if I make a permanent decision to a temporary
problem; don’t I run the risk of ultimately placing myself in a worse long term
position than where I started? Assuming
the backlash of permanent solutions to temporary problems is the crux of
melanated people’s pain, historically. How, then, do we continue to justify
self propelling behaviorisms, that serve the individual as opposed to the
collective? I make no intimation that either Steve or Lisa has been selfish in
their personal accrual of fame and fortune; but if the single mother
relinquishes her rights and as a result becomes famous, rich and philanthropic.
What did/does she do with the pain of giving her children up for that. Kanye???
In the words of the bible, “what good does it do a man to inherit the earth, if
he loses his soul?”
I leave you with I AM because you are and I will continue to pledge myself to the cause of correct consciousness in my community, culture and family.
Friday, February 13, 2015
1. The Secret Heartbeat of America
2. The Bible and the Gun
3. Zeitgeist1,2,&3
4. The God That Wasn’t There
5. The Men Who Built America
6. America’s Book of Secrets
7. Hidden Colors 1,2,3 &(coming soon)4 {THIS IS ACTUALLY 1—IF U ARE JUST
8. Ashra Kwesi Documentary Series
9. Wake Up----Jonas Elrod
ABSENT----Justin Hunt
And as an added bonus; if you have not watched "The Conspiracy"-help yourself to a freaky, fingering of YOUR mind----
Monday, February 9, 2015
Ms.Phaedra Parks Esq.,
Ohhh, and the plot thickens. I researched you a bit last year, the alleged crimes you were/have been involved in.
Let me state for the record; this is love with no malicious intent. I truly have no idea if the alleged things you were intimated to be a part of; or in the very least---"having information about" are true. What I do know is the character I have witnessed you display. Of course, you are granted a controlled narrative margin of error; but I speak to my "discernment"and what Spirit has revealed to me about you. You are,and THIS IS WHAT SPIRIT TOLD ME TO TELL YOU, "You, my child, are an "{ABOMINATION}"; and your works are unjust in the sight of the LORD".
You fool no one Ms. Phaedra Parks-----your knowledge of man's law has afforded you... However---we both know you are unable to escape the LAW of the LORD/ You will pay for all you have heaped upon unknowing individuals and for your grave misuse of all things in the name of "good". You will pay for you aberrations; you will be brought to justice.
And remember the good book says---in Hosea somewhere---" ...and your children will pay for you whoredoms".Remember this as you placate and force the facade that is Ms. Phaedra Parks upon the world.
"Israel's Unfaithfulness Punished
You have a wonderful opportunity to build and teach and instill. And I do believe at some time you were or in the very least had the opportunity to be wholesome. Now---you can do what you do and make the dead alive again. But this time---you can "LIVE" again too. Rebuild and repent.For the KINGDOM is nigh and YOU will pay without recognizance; if you do not repent. #SELFHELP #NOLEGALESEjustSPIRIT.
Let me state for the record; this is love with no malicious intent. I truly have no idea if the alleged things you were intimated to be a part of; or in the very least---"having information about" are true. What I do know is the character I have witnessed you display. Of course, you are granted a controlled narrative margin of error; but I speak to my "discernment"and what Spirit has revealed to me about you. You are,and THIS IS WHAT SPIRIT TOLD ME TO TELL YOU, "You, my child, are an "{ABOMINATION}"; and your works are unjust in the sight of the LORD".
You fool no one Ms. Phaedra Parks-----your knowledge of man's law has afforded you... However---we both know you are unable to escape the LAW of the LORD/ You will pay for all you have heaped upon unknowing individuals and for your grave misuse of all things in the name of "good". You will pay for you aberrations; you will be brought to justice.
And remember the good book says---in Hosea somewhere---" ...and your children will pay for you whoredoms".Remember this as you placate and force the facade that is Ms. Phaedra Parks upon the world.
"Israel's Unfaithfulness Punished
1Say ye unto your brethren, Ammi; and to your sisters, Ruhamah.
2Plead with your mother, plead: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts;
3Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst.
4And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they be the children of whoredoms.
5For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.
6Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths.
7And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.
8For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal.
9Therefore will I return, and take away my corn in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof, and will recover my wool and my flax given to cover her nakedness.
10And now will I discover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers, and none shall deliver her out of mine hand.
11I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her new moons, and her sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts.
12And I will destroy her vines and her fig trees, whereof she hath said, These are my rewards that my lovers have given me: and I will make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.
13And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim, wherein she burned incense to them, and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers, and forgat me, saith the LORD.
God's Mercy to Israel
14Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her.
15And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.
16And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.
17For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.
18And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.
19And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies.
20I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD.
21And it shall come to pass in that day, I will hear, saith the LORD, I will hear the heavens, and they shall hear the earth;
22And the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil; and they shall hear Jezreel.
23And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say tothem which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God."
You have a wonderful opportunity to build and teach and instill. And I do believe at some time you were or in the very least had the opportunity to be wholesome. Now---you can do what you do and make the dead alive again. But this time---you can "LIVE" again too. Rebuild and repent.For the KINGDOM is nigh and YOU will pay without recognizance; if you do not repent. #SELFHELP #NOLEGALESEjustSPIRIT.
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