Wednesday, February 20, 2019


I watched “American Masters-Sammy Davis Jr” last nite and I was absolutely moved. I found myself moving between very uncomfortable cringing and complete AWE. He was an amazing man in a very unforgiving time.

The documentary went through the life and times of Sammy Davis Jr. By the time I had become familiar with the magnanimous entertainer--he was a punchline who typically came thru, in my era, from a Tommy Davidson impersonation. Watching “American Masters”, I felt that we may share in common---brilliance in a time that is unable to contain it(HIM). His career began in the 1930’s; which means he was groomed by those like Ethel Waters, Paul Robeson and the ideals of “Old Hollywood” in its’ infancy. Sammy stated in the documentary that he had worn “blackface”. I gather it was all par for the course at the time; and quite possibly even in contemporary times.  I also gathered that he truly wanted to transcend the color of his skin; a noble concept; but a difficult transition, to say the least.

While watching “How to Identify Psychopaths and Psychopathic Behavior;Evelyn Gilbert”; it was said “...we were domesticated by psychopaths…”. This is a vital point, especially when you look at the treatment of America’s “Golden Boy”, as an entertainer juxtaposition to him as a black man. I have not read his autobiography but I remember my mother reading it; I recall my mother saying, “he was humiliated his whole life”. Connect this to the statement made by his publicist David Steinberg, a paraphrase, he was saying he wishes that people would not see him as a token or a ploy. However--Mr. Steinberg also alluded to Sammy, a grown man, being totally fine; living on what was basically a perpetual allowance(that is another blog). His life was threatened for dating Kim Novak; a white woman. Ohh and Frank and Dean stole from him years after they stopped performing together.  

During all of that, all he wanted to do was perform and do what he knew he was purposed to do. His race, his religion, his actions; all scrutinized through the eyes, actions and opportunities of a white media and business conglomerate; interpreted through the previous lens by the culture which he immediately identifies. Talk about a jumblephukk. And I repeat, all he wanted to do was perform.

This is so important because in a world of polarizing politics and lacking critical thinking, in 2019; everything surrounding Sammy’s core created various funnels of phukkery with him at the center; just because he wanted to share his talent and spread joy. I understand this. And I thank Sammy posthumously for living out loud---I am grateful for the power of his story and facing the day everyday knowing he was not his own man, anywhere. I won’t even imagine the strength that required.

So what does that have to do with MAKA TAYLOR? Maka is a DC transplant; St. Louis2SoufEaseDC in 2008. I moved here and in the 11 years of my residence I have created an international grid to do globally impacting work as an independent professional. I am non traditionally trained, just like Sammy, I excel at charm and functioning in circles outside of my immediate demographic. I, like Sammy, understand, sitting at the table is better than being on the menu. Sammy embraced the notion of integration despite all his hardships and he sought to just be a performer---notwithstanding his experiences and humiliations. Sammy wanted his essence of entertainment to allow audiences to feel and not see. Sammy Davis Jr. was a man ahead of his time.

As I am a woman ahead of mine. I want to transcend color-but my cultural identification is that of a black woman. I want to transcend that experience-the experience of being told I was a nigger, the experience of all negative media depictions of me-i want to transcend the thoughts deposited in my mind as a result of the experience of being while black. I want the pathology of the word nigga to die. So I wrote “7 Steps to Kill My Nigga”. Nigga redefined to transcend the immediate color associated with the word. Transcendence is the order of the day; ancestors and energy did the gridwerk to bring Sammy, me--and all who join are or already here----to manifest TRANSCENDANCE in this time as the patients have been running the asylum too long.

Media inceptions’ (Old Hollywood/Hollywood Codes)narratives of blacks, images of blacks and outcomes have been determined by the powers that be. Notice no matter how we showed up, when the chips fell we got/get the super short end of the stick(think generationally). I stand with the essence of my ancestor and commit to speak, act and engage as my skills and spirit see fit. I ask Sammy to take a special look over me as I execute and put a little tap in my feet so they delight upon my coming in and my going out. Nothing is in concrete and with independent studios like DameDashStudios and concepts filtering out to the general public like in the movie “Bird Flying High”---we have an amazing opportunity to honor those who came before us and begin to control and concrete who we are and what we are and return unto the earth the majic of miracles and manifested purposed living. Because all know---blackmajic is real. purposepotion#

I DEDICATE THIS TO ALL MY ENTERTAINMENT ANCESTORS and in the essence of them call forth the TRUE STORIES OF HOLLYWOOD as told by Black Entertainers. IT IS TIME. damijustrealizedtranscendenceiscoOpted--still Spirit over Order.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Image result for Sandra blandI had the opportunity to prescreen the HBO documentary on “The Life and Death of Sandra Bland”. The viewing occurred at the Landmark Theatre in NW DC---the film is genre’ noir.   Producers /Directors; Kate Davis and David Heilbroner created a global canvas for Sandy to paint her own picture and narrate her own story.  Through Sandy’s own words, video content and commentary from her family and friends; #SandySpeaks and the film will take you on a journey.  Mentally and emotionally, I felt the experiences of decades spanned and generations lived. The film also served as a refresher to my mind about what a bYOUtFULL spirit #SandySpeaks shared with the world.

I think the innovation of the directors/Producers and the process of all the moving parts; playing out during the filming is a true testimony to the endurance of the family and reason this vital portrayal of history was able to be captured. I truly thank the family for sharing their journey with the public and nurturing the lovely Ms. Sandra Bland. I thank those who had the foresight, intuition and follow through to bring this project to viewers. With all due respect, I want to share my experience of you sharing the beloved Sandra Bland with me and with all my soul I hope my sentiments are received.


The movie opens with a #SandySpeaks clip and I immediately tear up.
In my mind all i see is my last interaction with an authority figure and I am so grateful that I walked away. Alive..and yet so Very sad My Sister in this “werk”----perished. I was deeply moved and overwhelmed by her brilliance and the fact #SandySpeaks my language.


I hear her words..”My white friends… i intend to incite….i want to unite……” but this fight has never been easy. I see the picture they say is her official booking photograph, I see the floor that has an uncanny resemblance to the background of Sandy’s mugshot. I see a trash bag in the trash can in the cell Sandy was said to have been housed; a crime scene that was said to be undisturbed. I see the trash bag Sandy was said to have hung herself from; I think they killed her. I think I have a lot in common with Sandy. I think about how many times I have been “curbed” due to my own advocacy with an agency or authority figure. I think about how articulate and well spoken my 8 year old daughters are; I wonder if there will be any justice for Sandy and her family. I wonder if I will have a better reality, about the state of race and its’ relations for my daughters before they become of age. I wonder how do I keep from teaching them a struggle that is not theirs to inherit; but on full display for their viewing. I wonder what would “Justice” look like in this case of senseless death of a beautiFULLY self identified woman of advocacy, activism, ethics, morale and overall LIGHT. HOW COULD ANYONE OR ANYTHING RECTIFY THIS LOSS? WILL WE AS A COLLECTIVE ORGANIZE, MOBILIZE, UNITE, UNTANGLE and APPLY all the love and resources #SandySpeaks shared and potential benefits circulating in our trillion dollar community? I think did I do enough to defend her honor and uphold her essence?

It has been three years since Sandy’s death; I think about Korryn(Gaines)--I call them by first name, not because I am familiar with them; but we are familiar with the same struggle.

We three, amongst countless others unidentified; identify as the least, the last and the left behind, but in demographics alone. What we, and, again: countless, unidentified others, know and practice is a right to Live from deep in our souls; and for some reason that challenges some caucasians, and can be even more challenging to a caucasian man in authority.

I watch the scene of the officer( using this term very loosely) approach Sandy’s vehicle and begin to address her. I think she did nothing wrong in any of her response or the way she handled the officer. I think his epigenetics kicked in and he asked himself at some point; “why am I arguing with a nigra woman”. I think he took it upon himself to disrobe mentally from being an officer; or his actions are par for the course of “how to handle a “nigra woman” in Waller County, Texas. When he asked her to get out of the car and she refused; he then responds; “...I’m gonna light your ass up…”.  There is a sound that comes from in the vehicle--it could be said the officer hit Sandy and was already in full escalation mode when he began to physically handle her. I choose not to recount her mistreatment and leave that to you when you watch the documentary.

I think, what did he see when he began to treat her with such malice.


I know this is strictly about race. There is commentary in the documentary that speaks to this. I know that or I think I know that this should be a very clear cut conversation that involves the pathology of that old word “nigger” and all its implications and by products. I think what else could he have seen to treat her with such disregard and inhumane actions. I think he never saw Sandra Bland or Sandy-he didn’t see Geneva’s daughter. All he saw is something that his most basic and instinctual nature tells him to dehumanize, terrorize and torture; even up and until death. I am reminded that I AM SANDRA BLAND and all I can hope is I use my time to work towards the creation of all Sandy spoke. A socioeconomic environment where liberation is truly tangible and purposed living is profitable livelihood. I am reminded it is 2018 and what seems like every day I have to surpass the headline.. ”Another…...Killed today...officer, or shoots unarmed…”.

THIS SHIT IS NOT NEW---in the words of producer and director David Heilbroner; while sharing during Q & A after the viewing.  (paraphrasing) He was saying he had been all over the world previewing the movie and when speaking to the audience and when he would begin to talk about instances of being pulled over by the police and profiling and search and all the ill mistreatment that can be endured during a “standard stop”; he had never had one white audience member who had this experience. On the other hand in every viewing, the response was close to if not 100% of black audiences had experienced mistreatment during a “standard stop”. His simple yet verberating response; “...What the Fuck...” and that is a quote.

I think this may be a white man who gets it..or has a presence too receive..the notion of #beingwhileblack. None living in this present moment created the lingering behaviors or toxic and unsustainable models for “successful” living in North America; the mechanics were in place long before we were glints in our daddy's eyes.  However, we continue to copy the model; I think we copy the model without enough review or oversight. I think we copy the model without review, oversight or the ability to move beyond personal bubbles and cultured trajectory for life. I think if we look at the foundation (constitution), I think if we look at M.O.V.E. in Philadelphia in the 80’s, and I think if we look at the numbers and the stats---ohh and please can we revisit the “Black Codes”? NOT SO YOU CAN REENACT THEM EITHER. I think there is much work to be done and...the sooner we engage in dialogues in american pathology; maybe my Daughters’ won’t have to be told what a threat speaking up for herself could be.  


I stand to ask my question. While I normally hate the person who stands and rants instead of asking a question-I was her in this moment--I cannot remember everything I said; but I do recall repeating ”...DON’T WALK OUT OF HERE ENTERTAINED…”.  SAY HER NAME...I wasn’t raw but I was wide open--I think I may have admitted; roughly,  that I may be able to benefit from having more multicultural experiences and associates. I believe I personally challenged Neera Tanden to use her Center for American Progress resources to begin to open up real dialogue about “The Pathology of Race; For the Oppressed and the Oppressor”.  I think “it is past time for the accredited halls of intellectual policy to nurture the dialogue from the point of aggression far too often played out in media on a strong and regular basis”. At the time I write this yesterday's’ USA Today headline read: “Independent autopsy shows black man killed by police in Alabama mall was shot from behind”

I start thinking about why..and I am unsure of what I am asking. Then I know; I am asking how do I make the connection between Sandy Bland's’ death and my favorite quote on race. Neely Fuller said; “if you do not understand racism/white supremacy,everything that you do understand will only confuse you”. This is my axis, pivot and sling, I welcome any and all to the power.


Monday, February 27, 2017


My ideas are that we deal with the nation as it is---DIVIDED---address head on; with all hands on deck  the western philosophy; that should transmute to "#HumaneFeelosophy" of repairing a shitstym, created to be broken. We, as a nation need to "kill the creation of the nigga" of systemic sabotage indelibly woven into the very constitution you uphold as law. I believe there are only 3 economies---Drugs
                           Human Trafficking
                           Illegal Gambling
If you are willing to have this conversation, we can go further---until then. Every man for himself and God for us all.

Monday, January 25, 2016


              There is sooooo very much going on in the community; regionally, nationally, globally; bear with me if I veer. I AM writing this with a full intention on using my creative outlet to express myself on the symbolization of our current civic atmosphere and environment.

              It only takes a moment to peruse the days’ hot topics for plain view sight to reveal the rift between black America amongst black Americans; the discord between white America and their vehement cultural dissonance; the contrast of bloodlines between descendants of slaves and the lineage of “founding fathers”. Leaving me, a descendant of slaves, at a loss for the rhetoric of and desire to “Make America great again”.

             My question as a descendant of stolen people, is where were my founding fathers when this Declaration and Constitution were conceptualized and written?

I will wait for the answer.

            While I wait, allow me to share thoughts to illustrate a potential symbology to the rhetoric of making america great agin and Generational Institutionalized Systemic Marginalization (GISM) of the black demographic in America.

            The line of thinking I would like to engage; is relatively simple. During the time the “founding fathers” of America conceptualized, envisioned, carried out to pursue, negotiated upon, agreed upon, wrote, sealed and enacted the instruments of “freedom”(very loosely interpreted); the HUMANS/PEOPLE I originate; were in full slave submission.

            The bloodline I originate from was not and statistically, still is not an accepted textile in the fabric or tapestry that is readily identified when one speaks of "great america". The truth, for my hue, is typically the opposite. Be the reference be #OsarsSoWhite #SandranBland #MikeBrown---too many and too much to recount. These blatant statements about the value of a/all black lives bear the question. What America AM I taking part? 

           I will not tell the story---mine pale in comparison and an aspect of my writing is to induce the state that causes black people (melanated people) to share their own vulnerabilities as relates to race. I do, acknowledge that I have had to face my own traumatization about the skin I live in. It is the premise of my work and passion to make this trauma, pain and triumph globally understood.

           I begged your patience in the beginning, I share that because I know I veered a bit; back to symbology. If “founding fathers’ did not require our input then---why would they need it now? How far will we as a DEMOGRAPHIC allow the disregard to go before we realize where true POWER lies? There is an inherent system;rearing its' unwarranted and unacceptable head. My offering, short of BLACK PEOPLE coming to grips with a number of agenda items---and one another-the ability for a  Force/system/government/ENERGY to enchant us will forever be prevalent.

          While I would love to be petty and give my two cents in judgement on the various stories; I close with and offer #TaylorFamFeelosophy's 10 Point Redemption Plan.

        Universal Melanated Line Items (for review & consensus)
10 Point Redemption Plan
  1.        Agree that Melanated peoples have been and are systematically oppressed globally
  2.        Agree there is a “dominant culture” maintaining this order
  3.        Agree to objectively receive new information
  4.        Agree to research anything you do not understand
  5.       Agree to ask and receive help, encouragement, support and love on this journey
  6.        Agree that single agenda movement(monogamous movement) is not only vital; but required
  7.        Agree to maximize organization
  8.       Agree to maximize mobilization
  9.       Agree to maximize resources
  10.     Agree to commence “Take Your POWER back”
Please discuss, engage, support and share. More to come.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Me, Talking RaceTics; tell me if I AM worth a listen. #yoSonMysonOurSons

Monday, September 7, 2015

PoliTalk 2015/Monica Crowley

                As I watched Monica Crowley sharing her op-ed on Obama, Clinton and the scandal that prevails; I felt the need to work towards a conversation. There are many points in which I would like to analyze---so bear with me as I make these suggestions and allusions.
Following in the same vein of opinion as the author; Monica Crowley, I am responding to “Why Obama is Torpedoing Hillary Clinton”.

                 I would first like to point out that the headline itself is indicative of a dark and sinister plan for the POTUS to be personally infringing upon the free reign of Mrs. Clinton’s campaigning efforts. If this is true then the by-product of oligarchs and political cohorts defining and “making” the status of men and women; is also true. Indicating the strong fact that we do not have a democracy at all.
I listened to Ms. Crowley as she touted such assertions as “he needs a successor he can control” and saying the “…investigation would not move forward unless he wanted it(investigation) too…”
Again, I say wrapped up in these words are all powerful actions and/or exemptions from men---there is a strong lean toward there being little to no value in the investigation of possible crime and/or misconduct performed by Mrs. Clinton. Ms. Crowley; when asked “does he(Obama) have the power to slow down the FBI investigation” Ms. Crowley responded with a resounding “of course he is the President of the United States”.

                 When further queried on her thoughts about the Presidents’ hand in high profile political investigations and allegations---she stated “yeah, listen, technically, no; the FBI is supposed to be independent. But we know how this man has operated from the beginning.” She goes on to say that the only way the “daily leaks” are making press is that POTUS himself is encouraging and proliferating the practice of “torpedoing Hillary Clinton”.

                The importance of this statement to Jane & Joe 6pack is that Ms. Crowley failed to think before she spoke. The outcome of her commentary ultimately insinuates the democratic process can and is usurped by men in positions of power. She fuels the thought that there are those who are above the law and by dictation of status alone should not be bothered by such mundane things as the law.
I encourage Ms. Crowley to look past her very close circle of influence and recognize there are those of us---without pedigree or pretense; who can interpret information minus the Manhattan minutia that many pundits have to pace in precision reporting. I offer her my thoughts as a civilian, voter, parent, progressive and WOMAN. YOU Ms. CrOwLEY are full of it. You have failed to report a full story; inclusive of a lack of response to the Trump intro---where he states that what “Petraeus did was a small fraction” in comparison to what Hillary Clinton has done. You have failed to make any citing or reference to any similar case-Petraeus or Sterling. You have also made it clear, that in your thinking; sitting Presidents’ have the strength to “control” tickets run shadow administrations.

My purpose in sharing my thoughts with you are to:
1.      Give you hard copy evidence that the story of Clinton, Emails and the criminal element can be interpreted by the least of us and it would warrant answers; yet to be answered.
2.      Ask of you to make a broad thought application a possibility in your reporting----if you look at all the facts, parallel references and take a real general poll---you will find something very different than that “Manhattan Minutia” "Sex and the City" flurries you and your phonies are so accustomed to dealing with. (yep ended w/a prep)
3.      FIND YOUR REAL SELF AND DO SOME REAL REPORTING; what you currently do I find to be garbage—and the world really needs people to commit to truly working a craft and bringing dignity to professions, citing journalism as a crux of societal conjecture. Spinning bullshit and lies will not help this election or the people.

              In closing, as I watched your interview; I almost felt sick as I wondered if the masses would be able to grasp what it really was that you were saying. I hope this offering incites you to have a bit more truth and a lot less autonomy.

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Arrogance of America/Y Trump is in the Lead

The arrogance of America is, unnerving, to say the least. To jump right into the story; I AM currently a resident of the District of Columbia and I make my way to the museums and galleries as much as I can. On an outing one day, I decided to take my then three year old twin daughters to the “National Museum of The American Indian” I CRINGE TO WRITE THE WORDS----can you see why? Quite possibly not; this is the purpose of this paper---but I digress. This was my first visit to this particular museum; I have visited the Smithsonian, The Air and Space Museum amongst others; this is relevant. I validate my relationship(s) to museum to say that I felt familiar and comfortable in museum environments. Upon walking into this building---I could almost hear the spirits say “you believe this shit”----The powers that be could not even allow my ancestors the word Native.

I felt atrocity, death, regret, war; a level of massacre I could not describe in words any one persons’ ear should hear. I felt the anguish of a people who had to come to the stark revelation of beasts and plunderers in their midst. I felt a supreme sense of disrespect, blatant disregard and murderous intent. I felt like it could all happen too soon all over again. As I walked through the first exhibit---I remember it was a kayak exhibit, showing kayaks from the days of the Natives through modern day. I thought what a resource this must have been for them and I went into thinking about how this one resource more than likely changed their complete concept of how things were or could be done. With the ability to now be mobile traversing waters and having the ability to move goods and/or services allowed them to maximize their opportunity.

I cite this, because this is what the power structure of America is really known for. When government, patriots and others speak to the “GREATNESS” of America---they never discuss the tortuous bullshit America is guilty of committing. I AM #Exhaustedfrombeingwhileblack and I have to take my time to express my extreme disdain with the Illusion that is the American dream or the western ideal.

A conversation, exposing, engaging and empowering individuals to understand the system in which they revere; is the same system that initiated, nurtured and maintains oppression, caste systems and consumer status quo.

If anyone can tell me why we continue to visit and support these monoliths of colonialism and debauchery; I would greatly appreciate it. I AM hurt to my inner being about the current socioeconomic status of the culture I so readily identify. Black men are being mutilated by the media, black women are being murdered at an alarming rate and the detriment caused by systematic socialism continues.

In the spirit of the forefathers of Tyranny and Exploitation. I will say I AM at the point of Freedom or death. I also cite the extreme of having to jump straight to deaths gate as a result of requiring #MyReconciliation. TELL THE TRUTH #TRUTH2POWER #MelanatedMajority