Friday, December 12, 2014




I was on the phone with my bestie and I was explaining to her that I was experiencing certain psychological drawbacks from adding a weave to my current style. I was sharing with her that I could not understand how I want to be taken seriously knowing I had this hair sewn into my braided strands of hair. I was suggesting that; especially for those who know what my "natural" hair looks like; it is difficult for me to take myself seriously with my addition.

I AM unable to vouch for my readers; but, I AM still learning and learning to love me. With that; I have not had any weave in my hair for about 15 years and the fact that I AM now sporting beauty supply hair causes me to ponder deeply. I shared with my bestie that "this hair has made me go into deep conversation with myself"---she responded with the obvious---"well, what do you be saying to yourself?"

I ask AM I betraying my code of ethics and/or principles. Is this the result and by-product of the consequence of me improperly caring for my hair? AM I really perceived as better due to the lack of "kink" in my hair? AM I okay with my children preferring this look to my own natural; untamed state? Do I  require my look to be this way to succeed?

This is what I found myself asking ME. I intend to receive answers---- I admit; my hair has been a long standing issue for as far back as I can remember. My hair is thick and course; yet full of body and beautiful when properly maintained. SO, why AM I documenting this experience---because it is vital to ME. I thought I would never wear weave again but due to my failure to maintain my natural properly---this was an alternative to allow the hair I have to grow and be properly nourished to set the road back to my natural----by way of weave---and get my shining "RESULT".

This is really the impetus for this blog---
I learn from life and experience---for those who get it---"existentially"---my hair represents several facets of life for me. And, what MY  experience is from this seemingly isolated cosmetic enhancement. Vanity is the most immediate response; but I can also rationalize the benefits of my "enhancement"--I can surmise that the world is simply not ready for my particular kink of the coil. I have concluded that my hair---as I walk my home is "persona non grata"--is that me or society? My point is I AM currently working on a results only outcome model--this is new to me. I have traditionally been an individual who practices comfort over currency or currency creation. By that, I mean, I do honestly believe that majority of the population is shallow, and are more receptive to beauty.

In the event, I AM seeking public acknowledgement and/or acceptance---
is my natural hair disadvantageous? I intend to answer these questions and more as I journey through this phase of myself. I wanted to begin by documenting the thoughts and accompanying behaviors.

While I love me as I AM; I also know that for presentation purposes---I AM better received donning someone else's coiff. All I have to say is.."It was the best of times, It was the worst of times."

Friday, November 21, 2014

Paradigm vs. Reality

                         Ok, So this is season 7 of RHOA; and I  must admit: I have been an avid viewer over the years. I typically do not give the ratings---but watch the show nonetheless. With that over the years; I have been meaning to blog about the various issues the show, its' content(s), and outcomes of character behaviors. There are very specific and defined by-products as a result of this type of show; and more targeted bias; the economic and societal impact of a group of "elite" Black(MELANATED) women(Sistars).

I AM aching to begin with one of my personal favs--Ms. Kenya Moore. At the onset of Ms. Moore's appearance on the show----she entered the room with a negative persona and set on making a name being mean. I AM unsure whether or not art imitated life or the reverse; I choose to start with her because "She also became a model for the Ebony Fashion Fair cosmetic line. At 22, Kenya Moore won Miss Michigan USA (1993) and then became the second African American woman to win Miss USA."--wikipedia  

Despite the previous accolades, my initial thought was how could such a beautiful woman be so ugly. I was aware of her title and acting and I never thought looking at her that her personality reflected something so seethingly sinister and projectile. I witnessed, via edits and controlled narrative; Ms. Kenya Moore look for love like an unattractive shrew, I saw Ms. Kenya Moore; criticized for wanting a child (with strong hopes of a family), I saw Ms. Kenya Moore defamed and marginalized, against her better character. I saw; what I gather; was, Ms. Kenya Moore in the throes of emotional PTSD and "Remnants of Words Said in HollyWood-----esp. A Dark Skinned Woman". I saw a hurt soul set on being a hurt person; hurting people. Until---she recognized that she really wanted love and I witnessed, again, via a controlled narrative and edits; a paradigm shift. I saw Ms. Kenya Moore delve into the self of her self and work to BE------I had no intention of going in this direction when I began this-----but my spirit urges me to lift up in Consciousness Ms. Kenya Moore as she works to BE something that IS. 

Ultimately, if more of the cast and characters on these reality shows could reach down into the depth of their inner self the same way their Louboutins dig into the ground they cover; maybe they could leave more than an "image". They could leave a lasting legacy in the creation of new old world where we set a/the standard for love and loving globally. And that has errrthannngggg 2do w/ME. 

Monday, August 4, 2014


My ethical issue with the legalization of marijuana is obvious, marijuana is a plant which grows and occurs naturally. Despite the natural occurrence of marijuana, this plant is currently defined as a “schedule 1 drug” (narcotic) vis a vie the United States Drug Enforcement Agency.  The legal issue concerning marijuana is a direct contradiction, to a naturally occurring process that produces an equally natural plant. I would also like to assess, statistically, the disproportionate number of affected minority individuals and communities for use and/or distribution of marijuana plants.  The war on weed may be a well dressed war on creativity and health; I will conclude based on my findings whether my hypothesis is erroneous or not.

  “Narcotic” as classified by The Drug Enforcement Agency has “five schedules of narcotics and Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote.

“Heroin is an opiate drug that is synthesized from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of the Asian opium poppy plant. Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance, known as 'black tar heroin.'" (

LSD is manufactured from lysergic acid which occurs naturally in the ergot fungus that grows on wheat and rye. It is a Schedule I controlled substance, available in liquid, powder, tablet (microdots), and capsule form. The liquid is often applied to blotter paper squares (frequently with colorful designs), stickers, sugar cubes, candy, or soda crackers. LSD is also available in dropper bottles or in the form of gelatin sheets/shapes (window panes). (

Methaqualone is considered a sedative hypnotic drug with a pattern of pharmacological effects similar to those of barbiturates such as pentobarbital. It does have chemical similarities to the barbiturates but was, in fact, synthesized as part of an Indian program looking for antimalarial drugs (Brown and Goenechea, 1973).(

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is an amphetamine analog with stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. "MDMA acts primarily on neurons that produce and release serotonin, but it also affects dopaminergic neurons. MDMA is usually taken as a pill; effects begin 30 to 60 min after ingestion and typically last 4 to 6 h. MDMA is often used at dance clubs, concerts, and rave parties.(


Mescaline is a hallucinogen obtained from a small, spineless cactus Peyote (Lophophora williamsi). Mescaline is also found in certain members of the Fabaceae (bean family). From earliest recorded time, peyote has been used by natives in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States as a part of traditional religious rites.(

As I review the origin of most of the schedule 1 drugs on the DEA’s list; I am intrigued to learn that all except two of the drugs naturally occur. They are either manufactured to produce the drug or the drug is pure in its’ original form.  All the drugs reportedly affect the psyche of the user---I can hear my hypothesis’ curiosity piqued.

The definition of schedule 1 drugs; by definition excludes marijuana from the list. I failed to read the full USC code; however, marijuana has been proven to have medicinal use. I would gather to say that just because the plants have traveled from California to San Antonio, the use(s) could not be affected by geographic positioning. It would seem a plausible conclusion that if marijuana served medicinal purpose in one area for a patient; marijuana would be able to perform the same duty in a different location for another suffering patient.  It is ironic to me that the definition which classifies marijuana as a narcotic is the exact same definition that relinquishes marijuana from the schedule 1 list of drugs.

In assessing the information via legal terminology----narcotic and drugs are highly associated with chemicals and component combining to create “substances”. Marijuana is grown from a seed, seed bearing is a sign of a natural occurrence i.e., a seed is planted at conception; seeds are planted to harvest fruit; seeds are an indicator of natural process.

The unnatural number of minorities impacted by the illegal status of marijuana is evident by the numbers. This unethical disparity that came out of the criminalization of marijuana is hardly unnoticeable. “In 2008, the New York published a report titled, "Marijuana Arrest Crusade: Racial Bias and Police Policy in New York City - 1997 - 2007."

From 1977 - 1986, 33,000 possession arrests were made. Numbers declined to 30,000 from 1987 - 1996. However, from 1997 - 2006, they exploded to 353,000. Today, outside the report's timeline, they number around 50,000 annually for simple possession of small amounts. More on that below.

US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas once said:

"As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."

In New York City, Blacks and Hispanics are Exhibit A. They've been victimized by racist drug enforcement, notably for cannabis possession. From 1997 - 2006, Blacks comprised 52% of arrests, Hispanics another 31%. Whites accounted for 15%.

Those arrested and jailed affected 185,000 Blacks, 110,000 Hispanics, but only 53,000 Whites for minor possession offenses. Most were aged 26 or younger. About 91% were males.

Under Mayor Rudy Giuliani (January 1994 - December 2001), marijuana possession arrests exploded 10-fold. Under Mayor Michael Bloomberg (January 2002 - present), they're higher than ever. At the same time, New York police provide little information. As a result, few New Yorkers know their city conducts "a historically unprecedented marijuana arrest crusade."

When we look into this issue, I must beg the question…”is there any government that thrives despite drugs?” In my research I find conclusive evidence that society, government and drugs can peacefully and productively coexist. “Dutch drug policy is unique in the whole world. It is directed by an idea that every human being may decide about the matters of its own health. The Dutch consider this rule as fundamental, accepting for example as the only country in the world, the possibility of the controlled suicide (voluntary euthanasia), for terminally ill patients. Another idea which guides Dutch laws in their drug policy is a conviction that hiding social negative phenomena does not make them to disappear - on the contrary makes them worse, because when concealed, they become far more difficult to influence and control.

Applying these ideas to their drug laws the Dutch try as much as possible to decriminalize the use of drugs, making it a private matter of each individual, and not a matter for the enforcement apparatus. Production, trading and stocking drugs remain a criminal offence, as in any other country.

Many legal systems all over the world do not punish people for the use of drugs, but for their possession. So the citizens are sent to jail for having a joint, not for smoking it. The Dutch see this distinction as purely formal. Statistics say that almost half of the Americans openly admit to having smoked marijuana (even if not always they admit inhaling it). So called war on drugs started by the US President Richard Nixon in the 1970’s, resulted in the state employing enormous, expensive organization enforcing strict drug policy and incarcerating hundreds of thousands of its citizens, often for just minor offences. It also made all drugs a forbidden fruit, which increases their attraction. On the contrary, a theory that the consumption of cannabis may lead to the use of more dangerous drugs (gateway theory), has yet to be confirmed by the scientific research.

The Dutch see the use of drugs as a health matter, similar to the use of tobacco and alcohol, and in fact not very distant from problems of obesity, alcoholism and tobacco smoking. They also point to the fact that prohibition of alcohol in the US in the years 1919-1933 brought more negative effects of increased criminality, than the positive social changes and had to be withdrawn.” (

The information presented here thus far is research, facts and idioms to illustrate the ethical and legal (by definition) drawbacks of making marijuana illegal. My personal conclusion; I am an avid student of sociology; traditionally and social engineering. In studying sociology, I have been introduced to these ethical and academic terms for thoughts/behaviors/stuff that should just be standard in human interaction. For me, the education has simply removed the ability to be taught, I state that to interject that I think an aspect of virtue ethics is highly feasible in this dissertation. Marijuana is a plant that grows in nature and has been used since 2700 BC.  Prior to Caucasians introduction to and self proclaimed regulation of, marijuana had a place in cultural worlds; offering solace in a time of need, freedom of thought to explore hidden places of the mind and finally simple pain relief, internal or external.  I would be remiss if I did not say---this looks like another case of Caucasian disillusionment leading to the disenfranchisement of a staple and a people. The jeapordization of anything that assists in sustaining a people, especially sustenance which came from Creation itself, whoever or whatever that is; should be abhorrent in the eyes of the law and lawmakers. I personally have minimal acknowledgement for the various aspects of ethics----for me, it only worsens with each dumbass definition easily justifying the removal of my human rights.  I give. All solutions point towards the people being a better people via the legalization of marijuana, yet it is still a crime and some entity profits every time an individual is arrested for possession. It is definitely not me.


















Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Religion and Spirituality By; Maka K. Taylor

 I remember hearing a saying that stated, “Religion is for people who're afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who've already been there.” (Vine Deloria-Native American Wisdom).  Although I cannot locate an original author, the sentiment displayed via the words and the source I cyber located; cause the paradox to be a a viable topic of compare and contrast. The three key words here are “religion”, “Spirituality”, and “hell”. Each of the prefaced words requires definition and context of thought. 

Through the eyes and information of Basil Davidson, acclaimed writer and renowned Afrikan historian; I was introduced to the documentary “The Bible and the Gun"  (1984). I became educated on the Manguay Pass, the penetration of the interior of Afrika, and the British colonizers’ religious objective; via the missionary, for the Afrikan.  Missionaries documented “as recently as the 1960’s”; state the disregard for the “ju-ju” god of the Afrikan. Missionaries believed that” they alone could save the Afrikan from the spiritual degradation in which he existed.”  It was documented that a missionary constituent advocated against any expedition that would cause “its’ leader to require brute force daily”...“If the gospel message was to be accepted.  The spiritual beliefs which formed the foundation of Afrikan community life had to be drained of their power and effectively destroyed ----renounce their beliefs, forget their ancestor and discard the very fabric of their culture...”

                The denotative for” Spirit”, in the Mirriam Webster dictionary——an animating or vital principle held to give life to organisms; or; temper or disposition of mind or outlook especially when vigorous or animated and finally; the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person. I would be remiss if I failed to cite also “the activating or essential principle influencing a person.” The defined spirit is physically intangible, however; it is a very present “essence” in its’ behavior and outcome(s).

Spirit is a seemingly very relevant faction to/of the being of an individual, community or purpose.  Although spirit is not readily identified in a physical nature; it is defined.  In reviewing the manner in which religion was conveyed to the Afrikan---in contrast to the innate, spiritually defined connection the pre colonized Afrikan worshipped/served their God.  It is questionable whether the offering of religion to the Afrikan was that of a malevolent benefactor.   “The Bible and the Gun”, to say the least, was a physically aggressive approach of indoctrination that quotably caused the Afrikan to “disregard the very fabric of their culture”.  The comparison lies within the missionary objective to free and connect the Afrikan; and the ultimate enslavement of the culturally separated Afrikan.

Religion as defined by the Mirriam Webster dictionary states that “religion is the service or worship of God or the supernatural: commitment or devotion to religious faith or worship”. Religion is also defined as:” a personal set or institutionalized system of attitudes, beliefs, and practices or a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor faith”; and the final denotative for the word religion: "scrupulous conformity.”

Religion of the Afrikan before the British Colonization could be perceived to have been that of spirituality. The Afrikan could be perceived to have worshipped in a manner involving a deep connection to an ultimate source with allowance granting credence to various deities who carried out daily functions for life and livelihood associated with the Afrikan. The ultimatum of “The Bible and the Gun” worked to remove the very essence of worship of the Afrikan.

Hell is defined as; “a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness”  “a place or state of turmoil or destruction.” The place defined as hell is relevant to the placement of the inferior subject within this essay, of which the choice is yours.                                                           

“The Bible and the Gun” or the spirit involved in the processing; proved to be a formidable comparison.  In the opening of this paper I quoted Native American Wisdom, it would seem that hell; as defined, could plausibly be the result of an ultimatum between “The Bible and the Gun”. Questions left to beg as a result of such a process could be; “What is the result of a culture stripped of indigenous worship?”  “Does he who is/was capable of such an act, have hell in his heart?”  It would be a plausible conclusion that the worship of the Afrikan before the colonization---served to maintain the spirit; in their own unique application of life to living. It would also be likely to assume, that despite the intentions of the missionary; based on referenced material, the loss of “culture” is an interest of compare and contrast. The affect of the Afrikan colonized by the British; missioned to “save the Afrikan from the spiritual degradation in which he existed”; is arguable as to the outcome; for either side.


I wrote the following paper while I was a student at a hegher learnign institute. At the time of the writing, I had not required any further validation; beacause I was sure of my intention via my words. As time has continued I have found veritable proof that the basis of my paper is in fact; at the very least; worth a gander for the self. Dedication vs. Education is as follows.

This is a non-fiction compare and contrast paper. I wrote this paper because I found myself questioning dissenting information about history. In the paper I state that I AM an avid student of life, history and culture---I have not found my research to be consistent with the doctrines of the Institution(s) of Education .

I believe this is relevant to the Arts because if the Institute of Education  is inherently flawed and the pillars of information are lies and spin—one has to ask…What is the propeadeutic education an individual really receives behind the walls of school----I think the Institute should be brought into question and held under definitive cultural scrutiny. So I submit my collegiate paper. Dedication or Education.


Dedication or Education

Maka K. Taylor

          English 121

Tia Stubbs

October 15, 2012



                                       I graduated in 1996, I am 34 years old and I am a returning student. My choice to return to school is not an orthodox one. I am a returning student for supplemental income while I raise and educate my children. The choice as a byproduct lies in the balance between desire, passion and purpose. This causes my choice to become a student bittersweet; I enjoy learning and various learning environment, I am not content with conventional education and have acquired a true and valid disdain for the institution. Addressing my academic journey from a commercially academic, undisclosed, historic perspective may give more insight into my current challenge with academia. To this end I have lackadaisically committed myself to formal education since the winter of 2009, yet, I am a third year freshman. In this essay I will explore education in opposition to dedication and share a historic point that challenges my ability to trust academic curriculum(s). The text will peer into my professional background and relate my understanding of education and review potential scenarios where education (or necessity thereof) actually proved(s) to be a barrier in my professional career development.

                                                  To say the very least higher education has not withstood my research in the subjects of history, health, or professional application of acquired knowledge. I am an avid study of history in relationship to current social conditions, specifically in the area of Afrikkans in amerikka or the politically correct coined African American(Melanated Majority). Nine years ago I found myself engulfed in a dedicated search to unearth myself which led me to pre slave afrikans and the Kingdoms they produced. This dedication led me to a greater understanding of myself and education; or lack thereof. I found that my entire learning career had been based in an automated, tunnel vision, cookie cutter approach to map my life. The education I had received would prove to pale in comparison to the depth, psychosocial understanding, and practical application of the dedicated study I endeavored on my own accord. The facts of  history have been gravely  misconstrued or misrepresented. You choose which is which.
                                                   The current accepted curriculum on civilization is that greek and european culture civilized civilization----I ask how? The current consensus is that we all derive from “Mitochondrial Eve” ( If the greeks civilized society then european remains should have been found, or at the very least excavated from the same general area, and dated as the earliest human beings. It is seemingly implausible to correlate greeks and their hand in civilization without corroborating physical evidence. If the Europeans had been the earliest civilizer of society then those should be the earliest remains found. However, based on the curriculum of Western Civilization(University of Phoenix) ---I am led to believe that even though the earliest human remains found are African (and a woman), and despite (discount) the plausible conclusion that civilizations existed prior to the european colonizing; which would ultimately suggest that Afrikan society had bustling civilization long before the european came to power. That, he, the greek;, civilized civilization. Bullox. This is one discrepancy, there are far too many to cite in two pages of writing.

                                                    These facts are pertinent in assisting me to demonstrate my challenge with conventional education. I have 15 years of professional work under my belt---including a Program Director and Director of Marketing position I held years back. My bottom line is I have skills, professional skills that cannot even be learned in any institution, or acquired by osmosis of mirroring; yet by this society’s standards; I am not educated.  To add insult to injury, not only am I not educated, I need this facility or one of equal accreditation to tell me when I become educated. Bullox. I know this is the typical route for most of the population, but for a small percentage of western civilization, there is an innate drive to be dedicated and the dedication is driven by individual purpose which is propelled by purpose specific education creating a whole being utilizing whole education.  Which will use the content of my text and not take points off for improper formatting---